Amethyst and Iolite Jyotish gemstones | Gemstoneuniverse | Gem Therapy

Amethyst Iolite Jyotish gemstones | Gemstoneuniverse | Gem Therapy


Blue sapphire is the powerful Jyotish Gemstone for Lord shani powers in Vedic astrology.

Its one of the most powerful Navratna gemstones.

The most preferred Upratna for Blue Sapphire is the Iolite. The Iolite is also known as Kakanili or just neeli depending on the Geographical region. In Sanskrit it is also Called as “Shanipriya” Beloved of Lord Saturn named after his wife.

The Second substitute Gemstone that gives powerful results as an Uparatna for Blue Sapphire is the Amethyst. The Amethyst is also known as Katela or Jamunia and besides giving good results for Saturn it has some wonderful healing properties. It also helps in overcoming addiction and has potent detoxifying energies.

While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy. Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work- We ensure that.


Planetary Gem Therapy and the Vedic Sciences are divine and deliver great results provided you have the correct information and true Gemstones, not stones.

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Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard In Planetary Gemology

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